With the task in hand of developing an environmental data center in a hot dry desert, the project took inspiration from the termite mound. Specifically, the way termite mounds create space that is cooled passively using the nature buoyancy of air, the fact that spaces are underground, leveraging earth’s thermal mass, and how they require no materials beyond moving earth on site.
The project is a group of towers comprised of types, each having their own height and program. Taller towers are to the south and house server racks. Their heights increase shadow cast on shorter towers to the north. Intermediate open spaces reduce the density of the project and create opportunities for gathering and relief.
Extensive performance analyses were carried out to evaluate and develop the project, including energy analysis, thermal comfort analysis, CFD wind analysis and daylighting studies. Results indicate the effectiveness of passive strategies developed in this project, as they help create an environmentally friendly, Data Oasis.
Instructor: Dorit Aviv
Technical Consultant: Saeran Vasanthakumar
Teaching Assistants: Jiewei Li, Jun Xiao